tion that, can it work on other MICROSOFT WINDOWS??? You can also try it (but, am not assuring YOU because there's another way you can login).[/b] Now, if you have forgotten your password or you've been trying to login on your friends computer system, what you need to do is, when you TURN ON the system, THE Computer will go into three stages, POST STAGE, INITIALIZING STAGE, START UP
STAGE. 1. POST STAGE, (POST => POWER ONSELF TEST), that is, when you TURN It ON, the RAM will read all connections in the system (i.e TEST).
2. INITIALIZING STAGE(WHENit'S loading), this is where some computers will request for the password (THE SOLUTION HERE IS THAT,PRESS CTRL+ALT+DEL "TWO TIMES[/color] It will bring another new dialogue box asking you to input: USER NAME:PASSWORD: LOG ON TO: In theUSER NAME, just writeADMINISTRATOR
3. START UP STAGE (HERE, you will see the WELCOME PAGE) that's all. MY ADVICE FOR YOU IS TO REMOVE OR USE ANOTHER PASSWORD IN CONTROL PANEL and you should not misuse this tutorial publicly or else, dem go think say you wan do bad thing on d system ooooo!!! Guys, do you believe you can make cool cash with this tutorial? I GUESS "YES" cos na sharp guys among una go knw hw to get d money.... SECOND WAY TuRN On the system and be pressing f8 continuously, wait for the system to display a newwindow, now cliCK on staRT button and goto conTROL panEL, then locate users account and rEMOVE the
paSSWORD. After thAT, restart the system....... So simple...

BEexpecting more computerTRICKS!!!

hmm i need to get more of this in details
ReplyDeleteWhat don't you get, so i give you Alternate ways to bypass your passwords on windows xp, i already have the one for win 8 on my blog, so you can also check that out.